I help individuals who are seeking permission and direction for life transitions.
As a result, my clients receive deeper connection with soul purpose as they learn to open their wings through self-love and awaken spiritual truths.
As the oldest in my family I grew up surrounded by adults. Consequently, I learned to listen quietly with a compassionate heart; a heart with a natural gift for offering both comfort and respect to others in need.
Catholic traditions taught me that the beginning of human life is Love and that we are created in God’s image- that “God so loved the world he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish, but have eternal life” (John 3:16) The influence of my uncle, Fr. Bud along with my parents and valued mentors wove treasured threads of love and modeled a deep faith in the fabric of my heart. My beloved uncle imparted many things to me. I recall one conversation in particular that stayed with me. He said, “How you are present to anything is how you can be present to God, loved ones, strangers and those who are suffering”.
As I matured, my love of God placed me with people transitioning from life to death. I felt honored to be entrusted with assisting people on their sacred journeys. As my mission expanded to welcome any soul in need of strength and comfort, my gift from God to others also became a gift to myself. I felt consoled by the Holy Spirit, with the understanding that human death was merely a transition, a rebirth of something more beautiful and celestial than our humanity could fathom.
Providentially, health care called to me. At age 15, I was selected as a Physical Therapy aide at our community Hospital. There I witnessed Acute Care workers reaching back and forth through the “walls” of life and death. “That is for me”, I thought quietly to myself, observing their gentle and kind attentiveness. I became a Registered Respiratory Therapist (RRT) and studied Health Administration. As practical as this career was, it’s essence to me was not in the practicality- but in the mysticism behind the words, “INSPIRE” and “EXPIRE”. The eternal beckoning within was “God’s Holy Breath”.
Allow me to offer you a sacred still point in which you can safely unpack your life challenges and spiritual uncertainties to gain awareness and clarity.
I felt blessed to attain the skills to ease pain and suffering for patients by enhancing physical wellness. Yet my true life’s purpose would be to spiritually “companion ” others through challenging transitions and on the edge of life and death. To strengthen that foundation I pursued a formal degree in Spiritual Direction, so I could bring my gifts forward in order to better assist others.
I am part of a generation born at a time when the world view of healing was to “fix” people with medical modalities and pharmaceutical treatments. I have come to realize that disharmony in the body often reflects disharmony in our inner spirit; which seeks peace infused with love. With permission, I am able maintain a peaceful presence and utilize prayer infused, intentional techniques , such as Reiki and EFT.
With both acquired spiritual wisdom and loving intentions I am honored to utilize prayer to help others move from being fear driven to being love drawn. To balance the mind, body and spirit is to fortify the soul’s journey.
Perfect love casts out all fear. 1 John 4:18
You desire truth in the inward being; therefore teach me wisdom in my secret heart ~ Psalm 51.6
I invite you to” be still and know” it is my honor to companion with you and illuminate your journey by modeling how to empower yourself with love and ignite the light within you to heal your woundedness. Spiritual direction is accompanying the other into disclosure and discovery.
Allow me to offer you a sacred still point in which you can safely unpack your life challenges and spiritual uncertainties to gain awareness and clarity. This holy ground will allow for a trustworthy relationship to develop between us. Enabling me to support your spiritual unfoldment without judgment in a gentle and fully present way.
Spiritual Direction is helpful for:
Compassionate listening to lessen stress, depression, and anxiety
Empowering unique spiritual practices, deepening faith and understanding
Health issues and restlessness/ grief and loss
Relationship difficulties/separation or divorce
Parenting dynamics or family transitions
Uncertainty about life purpose or vocation