Spiritual practice supports the development of personal power. Empowered people are not complicated, but people who have grown simpler and choose to live through their heart. Their spiritual fuel is LOVE <3
As sparks of the Divine, we courageously agree to serve on this mission for a wide variety of reasons; but the overarching goal is to recognize our true greatness is in serving one another. The popular definition of the word greatness is a grand illusion. We think that it requires the accumulation of external things. That is the illusion, a game that seduces us into a complacency from our real purpose.
We spend our primary focus on external accomplishments. School and higher education serves our brains, but the most important yearnings of our hearts are mostly a secret; private venture not acknowledged by the outside world. We don’t allow ourselves failures or imperfections, the open display of emotion or affection is often controlled. Those who express themselves with deep passion, emotion and creativity, and innovation are special or unique and placed in a category. However all of our deepest desires are to express our truths and be unique, to create from our divine spirits.
When we attune our hearts to the truth of our divinity, we know we have come to co create. Why is it easy to play small? It is safe and comfortable…. Do not sublet your heart and mind to the suppression of shame that another in pain would use to bind you. We must not believe we are not enough, that it is the “others” who will do something, who are special and who know the answers. We know; we have just believed otherwise for far too long. Misery doesn’t love company, for it does not LOVE. It feels safe in the reflection of powerlessness.
Listen to the “still, small voice within” and decide to honor it. To do otherwise will lead to dysfunction, grief and disappointment, disease and sadness. We stop the seduction of the outside world by choosing our internal one; our heart’s light is ignited as our guide. As we let our internal light shine brighter it is contagious to others. We think backwards, that we must change the world by external demonstration first, but it is actually from the inside out…. Then the external world effortlessly realigns to that consciousness. It is a law of quantum physics…. Be the change. The gift of enlightenment, is after exhausting ourselves seeking external authority, we finally realize like Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz, the power was always within us! We are original, clear, wise, simple, creative, loving, compassionate beings that already are inherently divine.
To witness a person with Down syndrome stand with a gold medal around their neck, arms raised high to a cheering crowd says they are “Loving their Wings”. In societal standards this is a person who is on the edge and vulnerable, often marginalized because of intellectual disabilities.
We cannot look at that perfect human being without slipping out of dualistic thinking. This is a profound moment of unitive consciousness! Shadow and light coexist in the same experience. One cannot believe in their own personal power and truth as long as we exclude and undervalue others; whether it is women, people of different sexual orientations, people of religious or ethnic minorities and both visible and invisible impairments.
After a while, even the densest of us may have our eyes opened to something which transcends all superficial distractions of disability and self imposed limits: the unimaginable beauty of every person. The beauty is ours for the seeing if only we wipe our lens, and pay attention.
To love ourselves with compassion and know that we are enough, fuels our spiritual tank. When we empower the truth within to ignite our light, it will reflect back upon us with its radiant splendor.